Friday, May 17, 2013

Lions! Tigers! Rhiannon and Rose! OH MY!

With a 50% chance of rain, Rose and I decided we'd take our chances and go to the Louisville Zoo on Thursday. It wasn't too crowded, just a few kids out on a field trips... and not many employees around to stop someone from 'bopping' the turtles (more on that later). ALSO! The zoo is having a NAME A BABY ZEBRA contest.

"Siva! Why don't you love me!"
Our adventure began with a Cardinal which we automatically named Siva. He came to us off the path and we greeted him as fellow cardinals (it's just part of our nature). So the bird comes closer and closer and finally we have a staring contest. After a moment, he turned his butt to us, pooped and then flew off. Apparently he did not approve :( And yet, he had the guts to come back and toy with poor Rose's heart!
 Still begging Siva to love her
She took her frustration out on the Komodo Dragon
Luckily, Rose found other friends at the zoo... She tells me that every time she visits the zoo with a bag, this little harry guy will come over and tap the glass for her to show him what's in the bag. He got a nice look at my camera as well.

"Whoa! Wait, wait wait!... Lemme see dat again."
I mentioned those field trips earlier? Yeah, those kids don't know much about personal space yet, it's a good thing Rose didn't mind!
Feeling better, we went to make up with the Komodo Dragon...
 Well I didn't make up with the Dragon but I didn't attack him in the first place so we're good...
When I'm not surfing the web, I'm Dragon Surfing
 If that wasn't enough... we had to go disturb the real Komodo.
Well... it was sleeping
Also trying to sleep...
"Ah people are so boring!"
 Who knew possums played dead even when they're sleeping?
Finally we make it to the turtles. Jess decided to bop one on the head. Nothing like going to the zoo with a bunch of 'adults'!
Rose is thinking about bopping him
Don'tchu touch me, fool!
We got to watch Flamingos fight... this is the first time I remembering seeing them do something active.
"I'm prettier in pink!" "NO, I'M PRETTIER IN PINK!"
We also had a Modest Mouse moment.
Are you dead or are you sleeping?
Our group of 'adults'... so much for not tapping on the glass. Windex, anyone?
They tired to put us back in our place... Like our horses, we still have a little trouble loading.
"Gah! Fine, I'll go in, but I'm not going to like it!"

"You'll never get me into the mouth of the great dark abyss!"
So, one of my favorite things to do at the zoo is visit the goats. I know, I know. There are many animals at the zoo that you don't see anywhere else, and you can see goats every where but still...
Smack that
But there was something missing... I didn't see any pregnant goats... there is always a pregnant goat...
"Quick! Over here! I can get you to the nearest village!"

"I know these parts like the back on my hand."

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I don't think we're going to make it!"

"It's coming! Ahhhhh it's a... it's a... it's a kid!"
Yeah... that's happened. Don't judge us. If anything, you should be jealous that we thought of it first and we got to hear the lion roar!
The Giraffes didn't like that very much, they went running for their shelter.
"Is it safe to come out yet?"
And we found the latest exhibit at the zoo, "American Mummies".
Wait... that's not Ron Spayd...
This is really what happens when you take Equestrians to the zoo
This is the Five Gaited Champion Elephant
Roadster Rhinoceros Championship
You'll have to excuse my poor two-point, I almost fell off the elephant XD
A leg up. Note: Unlike horses, rhinoceros should be mounted from the right side.
And this... this is just what happens when Mizmanagement goes to the zoo...

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

"My Aching Feet For A Horse"

While Rose and I did not give give anyone's kingdom for a horse (yet), we did bust out our ballgowns and heels for the 2013 Ferdinand's Ball, the only event that gives all of its proceeds to Old Friends which cares for retired Thoroughbreds.

We had a great time volunteering with our friends to support such an event. We introduced celebrities on the red carpet and monitored silent auctions all while enjoying free food and an open bar! U of L's own Siva hosted!
Host, Peyton Siva with girlfriend Patience McCroskey.
Peyton Siva and Patience McCroskeyView more photos HERE

Pix From The Zombie Run: Louisville

A Little More Blood

She hates sitting still for makeup

The Bloodhawk!

Water and Flower = Zombie Skin??

Zombie School

Corn Syrup and food coloring is really really nasty

Even MORE BLOOD!!!!!!!!!