Rhiannon and Rose

"Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!"


Riding Styles: Hunter/ Jumper, Western, Trail and BAREBACK!!!

Pets: Oh my, so many... I have two horses: Whisper (Grade Paint mare), Hall of Famer aka Oz (Thoroughbred). Three dogs, Kiki (Chihuahua mix), Monster and Tookie (Pitt Bulls), 3 cats Oreo, Milo and Midnight.

Career Goal: As crazy as it sounds, I want to run my own small scale Thoroughbred racing and breeding farm. I'd like to be able to take my horses through their racing careers and then transition them to their second careers myself.

If you could have ANY job in the world it would be what?: The one I described above. You only live once, why not try to do what you really want to do? (You know, so long as it's legal...)

4 Things you need to know about me:
1. I was an art major before going into business and our idea of business is... a little odd... Business attire means your jeans may have less holes than normal and maybe, just maybe you don't have paint on your face. Forget about the paint under your fingernails, it's not coming out.
2. I'm an honors student ranked within the top 15% at the university :o
3. I LOVE music! All kinds of music... expect French apparently...
4. Aside from horses and painting, I like to write "short" stories.

You are locked in your house for an entire day. What do you do?: Throw myself a mini-dance party practicing moves you'll never see in public, surf the web (probably get stuck watching TED Talks for a while). Annoying the the dogs like a champ. Work on my  "short" stories, watch movies. Throughout all of this, I'll try not to break/ injure anything :)

Least Favorite Class you’ve ever taken: Advanced Creative Writing! For some reason I just didn't like the way it was taught. I didn't like the atmosphere of the class. It was literary fiction whereas I would rather write "teen fiction" I guess. But HEY, I'm an art student and in art rules are more like suggestions you've been dared to break because they're labeled as rules.

Favorite Class you’ve ever taken: English 101/ 102. Best teacher ever for an art student in a subject that may or may not be easy for them. I tried to take the oddest angle on each paper I wrote and was awarded for each of them. I mean, we got to read Watchmen as a part of the class! An art student reading a graphic novel for class? Oh YEAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Guilty pleasure equestrian purchase?: Halters. I find them cheap and who doesn't always need more halters? I think my horses and 3 or 4 halters each. One rope halter each, 1 break away, a nylon or 2 apiece and 1 leather one with a brass nameplate for the Thoroughbred.

One unique quirk of your horse(s):  If you want Whisper to step over in one direction, pull her tail in the opposite direction. Oz holds his right front up while eating.

"Haha! It's so cute when they go for the face!"


Riding Styles:  Saddleseat Academy, Collegiate Team Saddleseat, Trail/Western Ridin' around

Pets:  Crunch Time (Crunchy) American Saddlebred, Sam- Australian Shepherd Mix, Jaykub, Wolf/coyote/German shepherd mix, Bang-Bang- Calico kitty, Lucipher Sam (Lucy)- Tortoise shell Kitty, Tilly the turtle and Noodle the fish. 

Career Goal: PR manager and sort of kind of vet tech for the Wildlife refuge I volunteer for. I want to continue working with horses and exotic animals to bring people closer to the world around them. 

Or a Unicorn. I like unicorns, unicorns are cool. 

If you could have ANY job in the world it would be what?: Orca trainer! I'd train Orcas and probably eventually get my legs bitten off. 

4 Things you need to know about me: 
1. I work with lesson horses and academy shows, sometimes teaching riding lessons to newbies. 
2. I'm a volunteer exotic animal handler and my boyfriend is too. I "specialize" with foxes but work with tigers, wolf hybrids, small exotic cats, native wildlife, bears. (yeah yeah lions and tigers and bears oh my!)
3. When I'm not doing things with animals I'm nerding it up with my boyfriend-- video games, D&D, walking dead, Doctor Who (you should know I'm CRAZY SPAZ INSANE over Doctor Who) all that Jazz.
4. I have narcolepsy.

You are locked in your house for an entire day. What do you do?: Watch Doctor Who ALL day, drink copious amounts of Chai tea, Sing songs from "Les Miserables" obnoxiously loudly, get caught singing said songs by parents walking in the door that I couldn't hear because the music was too loud, play it off like nothing happened, lock myself in my room and decoupage random things throughout the evening to forget the embarrassment

Least Favorite Class you’ve ever taken: My senior year I took two classes at my local community college and one of them was a College Algebra class that I took since math wasn't required senior year and I didn't want to forget how to add before school started (I'm horrible at math). The class was 2 and a half hours long with one five minute break. It was hell. The teacher was cool though, she had an alpaca farm.

Favorite Class you’ve ever taken: History and Sociology of Rock Music and Classic Rock Albums. Before transferring I stayed at said community college for 2 years and took these two classes with one of the coolest teachers ever.

Guilty pleasure equestrian purchase?: Brushes. I buy WAY too many brushes.
"What's that?! This hard brush comes in TEAL?! I know I have three hard brushes but this one is teal and fancy looking."

One unique quirk of your horse(s):  Crunchy frequently sticks his tongue out for no reason whatsoever. Sometimes after a lesson I'll go get him to take back to his stall and he comes into the middle of the arena just sticking his tongue out. :P 

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