Because we have nothing better to do than help you!

Academic Resources:

So you're in the College of Business now, huh? At first, you're all excited, telling everyone you're in business school and then it hits you: YOU HATE MATH. OMG sooo many numbers, you hate numbers! What do you economics?! I haven't taken math since my junior year of high school! (For those of you who have, well... good for you).

But have no fear! The Khan Academy is here!

Finally someone can explain those concepts we've long forgotten or only pretended to understand in class! On the site you'll find short little videos covering concepts from math, science & economics, computer science (be prepared for CIS!), humanities, and test prep!

EasyBib (
Because you know good and well you don't remember how to document your sources.

TED Talks (
Sometimes we need a little inspiration. Sometimes we need an awe-inspiring example of innovation. AND sometimes, we're not even sure what we need, but TED Talks will have something to ensnare you. From new technology to psychology, set your imagination soaring! A few of my teachers have actually used videos from TED in the classroom. 

Purdue Owl (
MLA format? APA format? What the heck! Isn't that all a bunch of non-important busy work our teachers threw at us late in high school to try and get us to pay attention? Yeah I thought so too--well... Apparently not. If you need help formatting your paper or with professional business writing (because c'mon now that's not exactly our forte') this is the place you want to go! The Purdue Owl is all the outstanding help of an in person writing lab, minus the shame of showing your peers you can't spell the word "business" despite it being your collegiate concentration. Plus it's named after a crazy nocturnal animal! How cool is that?!

Half Price Books (
When buying school books does anyone else get that thought of what all more fun things that money could be going toward? Things like a new pair of boots or riding gloves or I don't even use half these things!!! Well I'm here to tell you this store is a new addiction. While you may not be able to buy your class textbooks here you can certainly buy old textbooks and other supportive material for class for typically around 75% off original asking price. Even better? At the end of the semester you can sell your textbooks to HPB rather than burning them in a pit fire! (
We have NOT personally used this site, but it was recommended by a classmate. I believe there is a small monthly fee, but it teaches you how to use different software programs. If you're taking Computer Information Systems, well you might want this. Probably not for the 100 level, but the 300? Maybe...

Equestrian Resources:

HorseLoverZ (
The greatest site in the world! Okay, okay, maybe not, but it is a great place to get your horsey swag! Great deals, great promotions! I order most of my stuff from them and have never had a problem with anything. I once got $136??? Leather splint boots for... wait for it, wait for it...$36. You just fell off your horse didn't you? That's what you get for surfing the web and riding *tisk tisk.

Schneiders (
Another great horse site! Only used them once ordering a leather halter for my Thoroughbred. Looked a lot nicer than I thought it might for that price.

UofL Resources:

UofL College of Business (
Isn't cool how simple our school makes everything?! UofL's Equine department really has some of the friendliest, most helpful, and easy to access people on the entire campus. Every faculty member of this department really is united over a horsey passion, so when you go asking for help you don't feel like number 406 at the DMV. This link will connect you to everything you need to know about the Equine Industry complex of the school of Business and will tell you who you need to talk to on campus if you need more information. I guarantee the staff will be more than happy to help you with anything you need.

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