Monday, August 12, 2013

We Had Joy, We Had Fun, We Earned Credits in the Sun!

Ah summer classes, I've completed them at last! It has been a very busy summer for me this year with two summer classes. I complete both Interpersonal Communications and Finite Math online through JCTC online (I know, I thought having a interpersonal communications class online was strange too, but it was the only one open by the time JCTC got all my stuff straight). Which brings us to our actual topic! JCTC!

Jefferson Community & Technical College has various locations in the area. If you're attending U of L, the closes branch is the Downtown Campus. No why am I telling you about another college when you're already enjoying your time at U of L? Because some of you want/ need to take summer classes and JCTC is an option. It's cheaper than taking classes at U of L and many find they like to knock out some of their general education requirements here.

I have personally taken two online classes and one regular class with JCTC in the past two summer. I've noticed that they seem to move at a slower pace and are less demanding in general than U of L classes, some of you might need this, but others are going to get bored. JCTC caters to students from all walks of life, and there are a lot of adults returning to education so just keep this in mind. The online classes weren't so bad since I was able to work at my own pace.

Now folks! How do you get into JCTC? First off, good luck. Just kidding! Together, we got this. Yeah... we got this. I'm going to be honest, I've not been too pleased with the whole process, their a little disorganized and drove me crazy both times so I'm writing this now hoping that should you choose to explore the land of JCTC, you're entrance goes a little smoother than mine did.

If you are currently enrolled at U of L, you'll be coming to JCTC as a visiting student. You will need your advisor to write you a visiting student letter and have it sent to JCTC. If you can get a copy of this letter, get one, it will come in handy when you need to register for classes in case JCTC hasn't filed you're paper work yet (believe me it's happened. I heard one of JCTC's advisor tell a guy it takes about 3 to 6 months for JCTC to file your transcript-- good news for you in just a moment!)  Your visiting letter will inform JCTC of your current standing with U of L (ex: Good Standing), and of which classes they have approved for you to take at JCTC.

You will also need to fill out an application with JCTC. Here's the online form. Again you're a visiting student. Now! What I recently discovered is that if you've taken classes with JCTC in the last couple of years and want to take them again, you do not need to reapply, just get a new visiting student letter with your current standing and approved classes.

And finally you will need your unofficial transcript. On one hand you don't have to wait for JCTC to file your transcript because you can just bring it in with you and have an advisor look at it while you're registering for classes. This is probably where a lot of trouble starts. A lot of JCTC classes have prerequisites that a similar class at U of L does not have. It's totally cool, don't freak out. All it means is that you need to take your transcript to JCTC and have them override the prerequisites. They're going to tell you that you can register for classes online. Don't bother, JCTC's system doesn't have you're actual transcript on file, so trying to register online is only going to tell you that your not qualified. Go in person, it usually doesn't take too long.

Not all classes from JCTC transfer to U of L and you should always talk to your advisor about it, but for now here's the nearly-impossible-to-find credit transfer guide! And when it comes to transferring your JCTC credits, you have to go here, also very hard to find. You have to have your JCTC transcript sent to U of L. They don't do this automatically... apparently (even though you're a visiting student and it seems like they should! But no, they don't).

It's not too bad once you finally get your classes. I wish you the best of luck and if I can think of anything else to help you conquer the great Jefferson Community and Technical College I'll post it here.


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