Thursday, April 18, 2013

And the saga continues!!


What's that?!

Did a U of L team just bring home ANOTHER championship title? No way! That's impossible! I mean surely there has to be a limit right? Certainly a school can't be allowed to have any other victories in one year ON TOP OF the sugar bowl, NCAA Men's championships and NCAA Women's championship qualifier. That has to have maxed out the legal limit on the number of awards a school can have before summer starts...


That's right! The University of Louisville Saddleseat team managed to bring another big shiny trophy home. This past weekend the ISSRA National Championship horse show was held at the Kentucky Horse Park with around seven schools competing in the years biggest and final show of the season. Before our horses even unloaded off the trailer we secured the biggest award of all, year end high point team, which comes with that big shiny trophy I was telling you about earlier. The perpetual trophy will even get our team name engraved on the front. 

I'm not sure what's shining more-- our coach or that snazzy trophy
Aside from winning year end high point team, we managed to collect a number more accolades throughout the night. Every one of our team members had fantastic rides and most in classes of 10-12 competitors. U of L won reserve high point team of the night, and not only had many riders with high placings, but had the overall highpoint rider of the night, our captain Kristin Smith (an alternate for the World Cup team I might add).

For me though probably the highlighting award of the night was that won by our coach Deveau of Zubrod Stables, who managed to win the coaches class, proving to all the other schools that we really are just tops (like they had any doubts.)

Oh I forgot to mention! I didn't do too bad myself... This was my first show coming back after having been thrown off last show and despite a few bumps I managed to pull myself together to get 6th place ribbons in my classes of 11 and 12.
I'm ok with looking so tired... I worked about 24 hours this weekend O_O

Needless to say it was an amazing weekend. And to any of you doubters out there? Any of you ho still believe they may challenge us on our athletic prowess? May I remind you that this picture exists.

Your point is invalid. 

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