Thursday, April 25, 2013

Tips for success?

Ok y'all. It's finals time and you know what that means-- everyone is cracking the books, hitting the libraries and coffee shops, and expending every last bit of their end of the semester energy trying to retain new information unloaded onto them while recalling everything else that was taught earlier in the semester.
What is this Latin? Am I taking a class on italics?
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I've started to believe that the last two weeks of classes are kind of a joke amongst the teachers. "I know you have 20 minutes of this class left but I need to teach you this overly complex  concept that you will absolutely have to understand for the final." Anyhoosen there are a lot of good study tips out there to help you make the best of hell week. weeks. (I mean lets be real finals TWO WEEKS after classes end?! What are they trying to pull?) So Rhiannon gave you a list of some great finals week tips to get you through. Well I'm here to give you some tips of my own. 

First of all... I guess you should probably study... Like seriously studies have shown that studying for your tests is the best way to be successful. It's not necessarily my favorite method but it is the most effective.. Like those awful sticky tape mouse traps..

(I think I'm gonna skip finding a picture for that one so here's something a bit happier)

See? All better.
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Next is something that is completely obvious but, well you're going to do it anyway. STAY AWAY FROM PINTEREST AND FACEBOOK. These sites are essentially where procrastination is bred, carefully packed, and stored at homeostasis temperatures for preservation. Along with these are YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit.... Myspace if you're into that kind of thing (Really dude? Myspace? Really?) All these places were specifically created TO MAKE YOU FAIL COLLEGE.

Ok maybe not.
Or maybe yes.
That's for YOU to decide.

So if you've decided to ignore all of Rhiannon's amazing study advice and all my obvious study advice (You SAY it's obvious and YET you haven't done any of it!! hmmmm..) Here is my last piece of advice-- PRETEND.

Who cares if you have no idea what you're doing?! Just go in and pretend like you've learned all that stuff about a price taker and price maker market and don't psych yourself out. It can't be that bad right? I mean you've been going to all your classes at least. It's not like they're going to have something you've completely never heard of before.

Yeah good luck champ.
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