Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So my baby Crunch Time turned 24 on the fifth and I couldn't be more excited!!!!!
D'awwww look at that face he's so cute  ahhbhfbgurghgisdhgufhf

So yeah I'm a little excited. For a horse like Crunchy, 24 is a very, very big deal because Crunch Man was not always living such a happy cushy life. Crunchy worked as an Amish cart horse until the time he turned 18 (the typical retirement age for Amish horses) when he was put up for auction and at risk of being picked up by a slaughterhouse bidder-- Not good!!!

Luckily though, the amazing folks at Saddlebred Rescue (SBR) were able to pick him up at auction and prepare him to find a new forever home, which would later turn out to be none-other than my home barn, the historical Rock Creek Riding Club.
Look at this sad face!!!!
After about six years of living with Rock Creek, and twenty of always dreaming of owning a horse, the opportunity came around for me to become Crunchy's owner. I instantly snatched it up! While Crunch Time will never show and isn't the snazziest horse on scene, he's always been my favorite for his amazing character and personality. Just look at him now!

If you're a devout Saddlebred person like me, or even an enthusiast of Horse Rescue, (who isn't?!) you should definitely take the time to consider checking out or donating to the SBR. A small and privately run organization, I can't say enough for how much these dedicated people do for the horses they rescue and the forever homes they place them in.

The following links take you to the SBR's various online locations where I really hope you'll check out their amazing horses up for adoption or possibly donate or buy some sweet SBR swag! (they sell Calenders... Did I mention Crunchy and I are January 2014?!)

Main Website


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