Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Crane House Young Professionals

Rose once told me that everyone she met on campus through me was Asian. So what? I have a lot of Asian friends.

Last night I had the opportunity to attend an event hosted by the Crane House Young Professionals, a group more like a family than an organization. In celebration of reaching 7 months, the young organization hoisted a nice little social/ networking party downtown. Free drinks and Moroccan food were provided, and dinner was follow by live belly dancing. Pretty cool, huh?

The Crane House Young Professionals aim to bring together the Asian community, helping individuals adjust to American culture as well as the Louisville area culture. HOWEVER! You don't have to be Asian to join! Good thing too, I was a little worried about being turned away at the door for not being Asian.

The best part? They're all super nice and enthusiastic about their work within this group.  I met the president, the Marketing/ Public relations person, the social chair and one board member (among others). They're hoping to set up a formal mentoring program in the future  to further their efforts in advancing the Asian community. I say formal because the members are already helping each other out, but they're rapidly growing and are looking for a more efficient way to connect individuals.

Come check them out at
You can also find them on Facebook.

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