Tuesday, March 19, 2013

No Room For You Here

It seems to me there are a lot of places in the business school that are set up to create mini-competitions among the students. On the first floor there are four amazing booths for sitting and doing work, and there are even giant windows next to the booths so that the sad folks outside can look at how dry and warm and productive you are being. Or you can utilize them for staring awkwardly at people as they pass by it's really up to you how you chose to use that power. There is a lot of silent competition going on to pin one of these suckers and if you're on your own you can bet money that there's a high probability you're going to end up sharing your spot with Sally I'm-silently-judging-everything-you-do McGee. What was supposed to be a comfy break before class turns into awkward blind date night.

"If I stare at the table long enough maybe they'll forget the three seconds of eye contact.."
source credit
Usually this isn't too big of a deal, I carry a laptop, a smart phone, headphones and plenty of school work that I can pretty well get off looking like I am just so enamored in what I'm doing that I haven't taken the time to even notice their presence.

This is not the case when I have food with me.

Sometimes you just want to sit and woof down your Jimmy Johns with the inexplicable architectural integrity of a house of cards in the last 10 minutes before class starts. Blame that I was "raised in a barn" or that I spend a good portion of time with wild animals but apparently when it comes to eating in front of people I have about as much grace and tact as the foxes I take care of on the weekend. Have you ever seen that movie Fantastic Mr.Fox? Did you see how they eat?! Yeah that's pretty accurate.

I must admit I'm pretty easy to agitate by strangers and when you get food and limited seating involved and forced social interaction I kind of turn into Gollum from LOTR and...well.. I think that basically fixes the problem because people don't stick around for too much longer.

"Leave Now, and NEVER, come BACK!!" 

Does anyone else seem to have this issue? Does anyone else get annoyed by strangers invading their personal space? Does anyone else mentally turn into a grotesque, oh-god-what-is-it-honey-grab-the-gun movie/novel monster in the mornings in the business school? It's not strange at all right!



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