Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Start Here!

Howdy! So somehow it looks like you have stumbled upon our blog and read along this far to grace us with your wonderful presence!

You poor sap.

ANYHOW welcome! This is Rhiannon and Rose here to tell you about all the glorious misdeeds and shenanigans we get into every day as the world's most unprofessional members of one of the country's top business schools. That's right while the rest of the school is swagging about in their expensive business wear (I'm assuming it's expensive... It's not like I've ever BOUGHT business wear before.. I had to dress business semi-formal once for a speech contest and had to borrow every article of clothing I wore from my mother) Rhiannon and I are making strange, loud noises and carry food into classes despite a strict "No food in the business school" policy. Not that we particularly care.

"Yeah I'm sure the fundamentals of entrepreneurship are important but I'm STARVING!"  

Fun fact? I apparently can't even spell business  Every time I type it it's apparently wrong (like just now). Oh well, I don't need to know how to spell it; it'll be on my big, fancy, expensive degree for the rest of my life right?! See that's how we Equine majors roll. Lucky for Me, Rhiannon and the rest of us horse people, our school is pretty dang smart and has seemed to sort of build a whole culture for us and our weirdness so that we can all just be kind of weird, stinky and dressed funny together, you know, like a hobo community in a park, WHICH based on the price of our hobby we probably aren't too far away from... So if one day you take Rex for a little jog in the park and see a bunch of disheveled college girls wandering around with ponies in tow you'll know how it all went down. Take that to the presses. 

"Shhh don't worry Sassy I can go DAYS without eating! Then we can afford that saddle pad with a picture of Ryan Goslings face sewn in pure cashmere!" 
Hopefully business degrees will help insure that this never happens but hey! Grass is free in the park, which means no feed bills! We hope that whether you are a horse person, a business person, or just a person in general (just be boring. whatever.) you will manage to identify with our weirdness and find some solace and that you're not the only person who behaves this way in public company.

Happy Trails!


  1. I'm here!I'm Queer!And...oh sorry wrong blg site!I LOVE the grill in class photo, reminds me of a job I had where I'd wake up to the smell of a certain EMT cooking breakfast every morning! Oh Mr. Robinson could cook!

  2. Love it Shawlene!! Thanks for visiting and commenting!!
