Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Puttin' Down Paintbrushes to Pick Up The Reins

Sometimes, if you're  lucky, something happens to redirect you back to the dreams you thought might really be impossible. Something you gave up for whatever reason trots back into your life and demands attention. I wanted horses! I wanted to breed/ raise/ train horses! I'd wanted that since I was 10!

I came to college as a Fine Arts major. It's what I did in high school-- it's was what I was good at. But it wasn't my passion (although you'd better believe I was drawing and painting horses!). It really hit me my junior year, after I attended a Riding & Racing Club meeting that I was not in my proper place and that I had a duty to set the universe right.

I was spending five to eight hours every other day standing in front of a painting, wondering why, I spent my time this way. But hey! I was making As in 500 level art classes! So I kept the major.

You can see why, right?

Took me two months, three advisors and one petition to become a dual major. Finally, I was an Equine Business Management AND a Fine Arts major! Fantastic! Until all the numbers hit you. MATH, ACCOUNTING, and FINANCE, oh my!!!

But ya know what?

I got this!

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